Code of Ethics
The purpose of this Code of Ethics and Conduct is to provide a brief understanding of the ethical conduct that guides AERO SUPORTE’s commitment to the company’s internal and external business and internal relationships.
Such conduct must be present in the daily exercise of employee activities, which must act in accordance with internal laws, rules, regulations, policies and procedures.
1. Message from the Board of Directors
The ethical conduct, shared and reaffirmed in this document is the foundation for sustaining, developing and strengthening the AERO SUPORT .
The guidelines and norms of behavior that we consider to be ethically correct are set forth here as a formal statement of ethical commitment, principles of transparency and respect for equality of rights and diversity of employees (regardless of hierarchical position) and consultants acting on behalf of company, aiming to regulate the conduct and actions of all.
AERO SUPORTE deals in its day-to-day with National Institutions, national and foreign corporations. Respecting each culture and preserving our ethical values is a mandatory condition for our success.
We must therefore carry out our activities in accordance with the principles and rules set forth in this code and, with your special participation, improve and guarantee the image and reputation of AERO SUPORTE.
2. Relationships in the Work Environment
Relationships in the work environment should be guided by courtesy, trust, respect, honesty, ethics and impartiality in the relationship with everyone with whom one maintains contact. This is internal or external to the company, regardless of the hierarchical position, in order to contribute to the maintenance of the highest standard of human and professional respect in the work environment as well as the company’s reputation and interests.
For better understanding, we exemplify below some practices not tolerated by AERO SUPPORT:
- Moral or sexual harassment;
- Disrespectful, discourteous, threatening or discriminatory treatment towards any person, regardless of hierarchical level, position or function;
- Discrimination by reason of social origin, race, color, gender, age, religion, physical characteristic or sexual orientation;
- Use, for private purposes or pass on to third parties, technologies, methodologies or information owned by the company or third parties, held by the organization, without prior and express prior authorization.
- Manifest on behalf of the company, including on social networks, blogs or any other type of vehicle or media without prior authorization;
- Develop external activities that compete with the company’s business;
- Use company systems and resources to carry out activities other than the specific professionals established for the employee, or for the propagation or dissemination of rumors, pornography, jokes, games or political party advertisements;
- Marketing any products or services of a private nature in the company’s premises;
- Work under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs;
- Acts that may cause damage to the company’s equity.
3. External Relations
The relationship with customers, suppliers, business partners and competitors must be guided by honesty, respect and compliance with the laws in force.
AERO SUPORTE’s relationship with its customers should be guided to satisfy them. Our service should be focused on respect, courtesy and efficiency, providing clear and accurate information and appropriate solutions.
Suppliers and business partners:
Our organization is committed to working with suppliers and business partners. It adopts ethical and legal practices in the selection, negotiation and administration of all commercial activities, treating with respect all suppliers and business partners, without privileges, favoritism or discrimination of any nature.
All suppliers and business partners should know and conduct their behavior according to the principles expressed in this Code of Ethics and Conduct.
AERO SUPORTE respects the other companies that operate in the market and ensures a healthy competition, basing its actions for the ethical behavior and compliance with the antitrust laws.
4. Relationship with Public Agents and Ban on Undue Advantage
AERO SUPORTE maintains an ethical and transparent relationship with governmental and regulatory bodies. Under no circumstances should employees be offered undue advantages to public agents, otherwise the company will be seriously disadvantaged and be subject, as well as a collaborator involved in such practice, to legal proceedings, serious civil and criminal penalties and administrative sanctions.
Undue advantage consists of offering something of value
It is forbidden to grant differentiated benefits or favors to public agents, even as AERO SUPORTE clients, which may be considered an undue advantage for the purposes of the Anti-Corruption laws.
5. Conflict of Interest
Employees must ensure that their actions do not conflict with AERO SUPORTE’s interests or harm the company’s image and / or reputation.
Conflict of interest occurs when a contributor influences or can influence a group decision that results in, or may result in, some personal gain, direct or indirect, to you, family members or friends. For the exemplary purpose only, they characterize a conflict of interests:
- Have a personal interest that may influence the performance of a possible business of interest to the company, such as the hiring of relatives or suppliers with whom it has private business relationships;
- Obtain private privileges from suppliers, service providers, customers and competitors because of their roles in the organization.
Conflict of interest is not always clear. Therefore, in case of doubt, the employee should consult his immediate manager.
6. Gifts and Entertainment
Gifts, entertainment and entertainment that do not cost or appear to cost more than US $ 200.00 may be accepted or offered as a courtesy or institutional purpose, such as:
- Diaries, notebooks, pens, pencils or calendars;
- Tickets for show, theater and cinema;
- Sports event;
- Lunch and dinner.
- For every toast, gift or entertainment that exceeds the value of US $ 200.00, the approval of the CEO will be required.
7. Records Management and Integrity of Information
All employees are responsible for the information contained in the records and documentation that support the activities of AERO SUPORTE. Therefore, they must ensure the correctness and adequacy of the data, as well as maintain all the documentation in accordance with established procedures and legal and / or fiscal.
Commitment and Membership
Employee commitment is mandatory for the Code of Ethics and Conduct to be an effective and guiding instrument of conduct on behalf of the company. All are responsible for its application in the professional daily life.

Approved by: Mario C .S. Moreira
Rio de Janeiro, October 23, 2014